The Cornerstone Global Network (CGN) is a spiritual family of ministers, churches, Bible schools, orphanages, and schools around the globe. It is our common vision to come together in unity and see the Kingdom of God established in every nation.

To-date, we've churches and ministries in 31 nations. It’s our goal to add two new church plants each year in a new country that we're not yet represented. Pressing forward, reaching new frontiers, building together, for His Kingdom!


Missions and the ministry of global evangelisation are the lifeblood of Cornerstone. As early as 1989, when the Lord first began to speak to our hearts about the planting of a new congregation, I remember very vividly the kind of church He wanted us to plant: a missions church. That was all He said to me at the beginning of our journey and through the years, whilst He has added more on our plate, global evangelism has remain our mission.

In 2012, we officially launched Cornerstone Global Network (CGN) which primarily is a network of pastors, churches and organisations that carry the Cornerstone DNA and vision, to join together in fulfilling the Great Commission.

The purpose of the Cornerstone Global Network is so that CGN churches and ministries may be encouraged and strengthened by one another within a covenantal relationship, under the direct apostolic authority of Cornerstone Global Network, Singapore.

To-date, we have church plants and a wide network of associated churches/ministries in many nations and whilst we seek to expand the network, we are also careful to ensure to admit only those who carry our DNA and tribal anointing. We are grateful to the Lord for expanding our horizons and look forward to being a part of the greatest end-time revival in the nations for His glory!



Rev. Yang Tuck Yoong
Cornerstone Global Network (CGN)