You Are Not The Main Event

Join us to hear a word on balancing service with spiritual growth. Understand the importance of nurturing your inner life, serving with humility, and ensuring God’s Presence is at the center of all endeavors.

What I Learnt From Joy

One of the things I’ve been personally praying about for 2023, is that I’d laugh more and find greater joy in life. God has been doing a steady work in my heart and spirit, but last week I had an unexpected encounter with joy in the most unlikely of places. In a place where there should be weeping and sorrow, joy abounded. How can we continue to ‘rejoice’ as Scripture commands us to, amidst growing stresses, past trauma, and our […]

I’m Doing A New Thing

Many have been crying out for a fresh wave of God’s Presence and move – for revival in our lives and in the Church. As we continue to pray and contend, let’s hear what His invitation is to us who are asking for Him to do ‘a new thing!’

Enjoying God

The great business of life is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever. The Bible tells us that man was created to bring Him glory. That is our purpose, our duty; and what Jesus has redeemed us for. Does that sound like your experience of the Christian life? Or have we, in all our good intentions and ambitions, misunderstood our assignment, leaving us stuck in a loop of endless and ever-changing pursuits that can never satisfy?

Burning and Burnout?

Are you in a season of burning with passion, calling down fire from heaven, or huddled under a tree, broken and burnt out, wishing for God to end everything? Like Elijah, many of us would’ve gone through days where we’re burning and days where we’re experiencing burnout. Can we however, walk and live in a manner where the days of burning wildly outnumbers our days of burnout?

Does God See Me?

There may be moments in our lives where we wonder and ask God if He sees us. Is it pure coincidence or chance that events happen in our lives? Did Blind Bartimaeus randomly stumble into the Messiah’s path? Did the servant girl at Cana witness Jesus’ first miracle by chance? God’s heart for us is pure intentional and He continues to seek us out. Will you respond to Him by saying, “Lord, here I am!”

Friendship With The Holy Spirit

There’s a new and fresh outpouring in the horizon, and a beautiful fellowship that we can enjoy with the Holy Spirit. How can we build a deeper friendship with Him and not just have temporal encounters? More than how He manifests Himself, WHO is the Holy Spirit to you?