Carrying The Glory Of God
When Uzzah was struck dead for touching the Ark, God wanted to show David that His purposes and plans could not be carried by the strength of man. When things seemingly go wrong or when situations appear disastrous, it could be God stopping us in our tracks to prevent us from going away from His original plan for us and for future generations.
Fear of The Lord
The fear of the Lord is the awareness that you’re before God all the time. It’s the consciousness that you’re part of the heavenly realm before a great cloud of witnesses. So may we aim to live our lives God-focused, to please Him above anyone else.
God has given each of us a call, a divine blueprint. But because of things that happen in our lives, we may think we’re not qualified. The good news is, God‘s purpose for us does not change. His destiny for us remains and He wants us to keep pressing into it.