
Recently, I’ve been led to read three books simultaneously on my Kindle – “Shaping History through Prayer and Fasting” by Derek Prince; “The Power That Changes The World” by Bill Johnson and “The Book That Made Your World” by Vishal Mangalwadi. The paperback version of Loren Cunningham’s book entitled “The Book That Transforms Nations” was also part of my reading collection. The titles and the messages conveyed in these books are clear and consistent – TRANSFORMATION.

Was that not the message of the Great Commission which the Lord left for His disciples in Matt 28:18-20? They had the Book (Old Covenant), the Holy Spirit and the teachings of Jesus. They also demonstrated courage which enabled them to shake the world. These men faithfully fulfilled their call and mission. Throughout history, faithful disciples brought the Gospel to the nations resulting in the transformation of cultures which could be seen throughout the generations. Our goal as believers should be two-fold – first and foremost, to bring people to Jesus Christ; and secondly, to influence how life should be lived in homes and cities amongst a growing anti-Christian culture. As believers, we’re called to be salt and light (Matt 5:14-16). The topic of “Discipling Nations” is being discussed throughout the Christian world. You may be familiar with some of the terminologies used to describe this; terms like “Transformation”, “Spheres and Domains of Influence” or the “Seven Mountains” just to name a few. These movements reflect the heart of Jesus in His closing remarks where He spoke concerning the Great Commission.

The primary purpose for the discipling of nations is to make Jesus known to the world. The only way to know the Son of God in depth is by saturation through His revealed Word, followed by a radical application of the Word through daily obedience to the Holy Spirit.

We’ve just completed three days of corporate prayer and fasting for Singapore. A Spirit-led fast has the ability to shape and shake our world and nation. David understood the necessity of fasting before the Lord when he echoed the words, “I humbled my soul with fasting” (Ps 35:13). Let’s take note of the promise that’s given to a people who posture themselves in prayer and fasting: “If My people, who are called by My name, shall humble themselves, pray, seek, crave, and require of necessity My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land” (2 Chron 7:14 AMP).

Prayer and fasting is a key in helping to shape the course of our history. We pray and fast not only in times of crisis, but also as a means of averting it and discerning the tactics and plans of the enemy. Nehemiah and Ezra were leaders who worked during the Restoration period of Israel’s history. The fruits of their prayer and fasting allowed for the work of transformation to go forward while holding the enemy at bay (Neh 9:1, Ezra 8:21). Theirs is a picture and example of what’s required for the day and age we live in. May we stay vigilant to watch and pray.

Next week, the Cornerstone Network Pastors will be gathering together for our annual summit. Every country has the opportunity to be transformed regardless of its poverty, crime, level of spiritual darkness or war-torn hardships. God has provided the basic principles that serve as keys to every problem faced in the world. The answers can be found between the covers of the Bible under the tutelage and empowerment of the Holy Spirit. Let’s believe God for enlarged hearts and heightened vision; to see cities and nations transformed in fulfillment of the Great Commission. It’s God’s desire to establish His Kingdom on earth; let it become our dream as we pray through the words of true transformation – “Thy Kingdom Come!”


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